Saturday, June 6, 2009

where important happens

I was told by a very good friend that we here at Transit Collective are NOT updating the blog as often as we should be.


Yet when I feel when I have the most to express (which often are times I utter to myself "oh I should've photographed that for the blog") I later revisit those moments in my head & realize some of those thoughts or opinions or whatever it is we're school gluing up here, I'd like to keep for private. For one, I AM very selfish. And the other reason I guess is protection. What am I protecting? My doubt in my ability to fully communicate to an audience that in some aspects has never really met me. My family's ill opinion of my lifestyle at times. Not sexually, although my fathers "sex talk" to me in my teen years was priceless.... "Now that there's some lead in your pencil....". More of my lifestyle as pertaining to the abuse of my body. I know they only police because they care for me & that's why I love them. I know no parent wants to be left in the dark, but there's also a line right? I'd say so. A part of growing is how YOU perceive it & not how YOUR PARENTS perceive you in that experience. Sex, drugs, sports; these all apply.

What I'm saying is I've been censoring my material on here. And I'm going to stop censoring. No spiteful rage navigating this new credo, but a new love and respect for my family. I SHOULD be more honest. Even if what I do and/or say doesn't please my family. I'm sorry(mom, grandma) but things i've done in the past defiantly stick with me and make the person I am today. And I'm grateful for those experiences. Being an absolute prick in HS, LSD in vegas for Daft Punk, stealing my dads truck to go chase girls, shroom tea with The Sound of Music, getting my fingers wet for the first time in a dry cornfield. I know these all have to do with Sex, Drugs, & Rock N' Roll but that's why they're the forbidden fruit. The two things that parents fear MOST, gets the LEAST amount of time in school. But still no matter how much WE tell them, THEY need to form their own opinions. There needs to be a direct confrontation for there to be a real connection.

I have nothing to hide, i.e. illegitimate children, outstanding warrants, etc. I'm not looking to glorify our lifestyle. This isn't a hype post to let you know how cool we really are. (that'll be later) This isn't a ploy. It's just this: For me to let my artistic greatness piss all over, I need to stop pinching it off.

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree with you more. I am in the same boat although I am no longer in the Boat. Which is why I feel the squeeze from the parental figures.

    "I know they only police because they care for me & that's why I love them. I know no parent wants to be left in the dark, but there's also a line right? I'd say so. A part of growing is how YOU perceive it & not how YOUR PARENTS perceive you in that experience. Sex, drugs, sports; these all apply."

    I read this immediately after getting off the tele with my Grandma, who is a stand up lady. As we discussed why my mother was prying at every little detail regarding my extended stay in Chile.

    I fortunately do not have to worry about censoring my soon to come blog on my Sudamerican endeavors...they can barley email.

    I was astonished at the ignorance when my Mom asked,
    "What is your email address going to be down there?"

